$2y$10$Po8/mzn3pGU20/GeRG2vN.ACkOVmDHizQJjw3G4X8dqPFW/FDVHAy Natalia Buchynska performed for soldiers of the Naval Forces of Ukraine

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Natalia Buchynska performed for soldiers of the Naval Forces of Ukraine

People's Artist of Ukraine Natalia Buchynska during a visit to Odessa gladly agreed to invite local Navy command to perform for soldiers of the Naval Forces of Ukraine.

The concert was organized on board the Ukrainian Navy's flagship - the frigate "Hetman Sahaidachny." At the meeting with the famous actress met not only the crew, but also representatives of other military units and institutions of Ukraine Navy stationed in Odessa.
During the concert, People's Artist of Ukraine performed the famous Ukrainian songs and own compositions and more popular. She also expressed sincere gratitude and support to the defenders of the homeland, thanked them for their courage and loyalty to the Ukrainian people.