$2y$10$Po8/mzn3pGU20/GeRG2vN.ACkOVmDHizQJjw3G4X8dqPFW/FDVHAy Natalia Buchynska joined the photo project "Great Kobzar"

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Natalia Buchynska joined the photo project "Great Kobzar"

Natalia Buchynska joined the photo project "Great Kobzar" created in the framework of international cultural and educational project "We are united by Shevchenko word."

Co-organizers of the project - Vlada Litovchenko, Fund to Support Youth and Olympic Swimming, Inna and Denis Silantieva Silantyev International ethnocultural project Folk Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National Museum, and the International Foundation for Cultural Cooperation.