$2y$10$Po8/mzn3pGU20/GeRG2vN.ACkOVmDHizQJjw3G4X8dqPFW/FDVHAy At concerts of Buchynska Natalia and Nicole Petrash audience standing ovation in every town!

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At concerts of Buchynska Natalia and Nicole Petrash audience standing ovation in every town!

8 concerts, 6 cities in 5 days - this is real! People's Artist of Ukraine Natalia Buchynska and composer, singer Nicholas went on a national tour of "My Ukraine".

The first series of concerts held in Western Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Lutsk, Lviv, Morshyn and Truskavets, Ivano-Frankivsk. Artists gave two concerts in Lviv, Lutsk, for there was a great demand for tickets to the public.